Searching And Sorting

You have read all about Big O, and some data structures, and abstract data types, so now you think you are hot stuff? Well, you aren't. You look just as terrible as you always have, and that will never change. You know what they say about beauty, it is only skin deep, but ugliness goes to the bone.

In this section we will talk about how to search through data, and when to sort it. Depending on the type of data type you are working with, your approach will vary. Sometimes you should sort, sometimes you should search without sorting, sometimes both, who knows? I do. I knows.

A Look Ahead


What is a stable sort.

Simple Searches

We will talk about all of the basic searches you will need to know, when you are not talking about graphs. This includes a whopping 2 searching algorithms.

Graph searches

Breadth first search and depth first search, again, a whopping 2 algorithms. We will discuss which one is better for certain cases, and which one is better in general.

Simple Sort

Every sort you will feasibly need to know for your first job interview. From bubble sort to quick sort, I cover them all.

Advanced Sorts

For the nerds. A*, Radix sort, Dijikstra's, and heap sort. Read only if you actually want to be a programmer.