Data Structures

You come to me today, not knowing anything about the real world of programming. Well, the real, theoretical world of real programming. The theoretically real world of theoretical programming? Shit. Hold up.

You come to me today, not know anything about the world of... THE POINT IS. You are dumb, and you need to know more about data stuructures and how to program stuff. I will be covering all of the basic data structures you will need to know, plus some more advanced ones. You will absolutely need everything up to medium, complex is debatable. But don't be lazy, you peice of alien garbage. (I don't know if you qualify for "human")

There is a difference between an abstract data type, and a data structure. Outside of your ivory tower computer science classrooms, it does not matter much, but I don't want you getting confused, so I will explain the differences in the terminology section.

A Look Ahead


  • Hashing
  • RAM
  • Abstract data types vs. data structures
  • Cycles in a graph
  • And more!

Simple Structures

I will be covering queues, stacks, and arrays. These are the most basic data structures that programmers deal with, so if you struggle with them, it should say something about your career choices. I hear plumbers make good money.

Medium Structures

Hashes (also called dictionaries), Linked Lists, and graphs. This section will be our first abstract section, with difficult to understand concepts. So wish me good luck in explaining it to you.

Complex Structures

Caches and heaps. Heaps are talked about as often as people talk about the positive attributes of horses. Caches, are slightly more useful than heaps, and much more useful than horses.